On January 31, 2023, the Taicang high-tech zone came together for a district conference. During this event, the administrative committee honored progressive enterprises in the region from 2022 - including Häring.
First, Haering Precision Taicang was recognized as a "German High Growth Enterprise." "As a technology company, we have made an international name for ourselves and established a solid standing for the future.
On the other hand, the Häring Kindergarten in Taicang won the "Outstanding Contribution Award for Sino-German Cooperation". The so-called semi-open concept of the Sino-German Friendship Kindergarten encourages children to discover their own interests and learn independence from an early age. Not only children from the Häring team, but also those from other companies have a place where they can play, learn and grow up - adapted to their parents' working hours.
Anton Häring KG在2020年获得了工业领域的独立奖项“德国最佳雇主”。世界报(DIE WELT)和服务价值(ServiceValue)赞扬海瑞恩是对员工“最具吸引力”的家族企业。该奖项基于对德国 80万人的调查结果得出。在一项大规模的全国性调查中,位于科隆的分析机构服务价值(ServiceValue GmbH)与世界报(WELT)合作,发现了哪些公司作为雇主在公众中赢得了特别积极的形象。获奖的企业按每个板块分为两组:在工业领域,1225家企业因其良好形象给人留下了深刻的印象。反过来,高于平均水平的公司获得了“最具吸引力”的表彰,Anton Häring KG是这881家企业之一。